Sunday 8 September 2013

'Peluru terbang di Sekeliling Kami': Krew RT dalam Kebakaran Salib tentera Syria vs Pelampau . . .

N.nizah – 'Peluru terbang di sekeliling kami': Krew RT dalam kebakaran salib tentera Syria vs Pelampau. Tentera Syria telah menghantar bala bantuan, termasuk kereta kebal, ke kampung Maaloula - yang telah di barisan hadapan dalam pertempuran berat minggu ini. Kristian KUNO Sanctuary (yakni yang lebih dari era PURBA), Maaloula telah dikepung oleh pemberontak gabungan Al ‘Qaeda sejak Rabu. RT Maria Finoshina telah mendapat akses kepada kawasan yang dilanda.

'Bullets flew around us': RT crew in cross fire of Syrian army vs extremists. The Syrian army has sent reinforcements, including tanks, to the village of Maaloula - which has been at the forefront of heavy clashes this week. An ancient Christian sanctuary, Maaloula has been besieged by Al-Qaeda affiliated rebels since Wednesday. RT's Maria Finoshina has gained access to the stricken area.

On Syria 'Chemical Weapons' Crisis:

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