Monday, 27 October 2014

POLAND menggunakan BERIBU-ribu Anggota TENTERA ke SEMPADAN dengan UKRAINE . . .

Menteri Pertahanan Poland Tomasz Siemoniak (dariKanan), (Poland's Defence Minister Tomasz Siemoniak (R), (Reuters/Bartosz Bobkowski/Agencja Gazeta)

niZAh Warsaw telah memutuskan utk memindahkan pasukan dari negara barat ke arah sempadan timur kerana "krisis keselamatan terbesar sejak Perang Dingin." Ia adalah satu penyusunan utama semula struktur tentera, Menteri Pertahanan Poland mengatakan kepada AP.

"Keadaan geopolitik telah berubah, kita mempunyai krisis terbesar keamanan sejak Perang Dingin dan kita mesti membuat kesimpulan itu," kata Menteri Pertahanan Poland Tomasz Siemoniak kepada Associated Press pada hari Isnin.

Beliau menjelaskan bahwa jumlah pasukan yg ditempatkan di 3 pangkalan tentera di timur akan meningkat 3 kali ganda dlm tempoh 2 tahun. Siemoniak menambah kuantiti perkakasan tentera yg ditempatkan di pangkalan juga akan meningkat.

Menteri Poland menjelaskan bahawa ia bukan satu langkah yang radikal tetapi untuk perlindungan kerana ancaman konflik jiran Ukraine.

". . . Kami ingin unit-unit di timur Poland untuk menjadi lebih cekap," katanya.

Kebanyakan tentera Poland telah tertumpu di bahagian barat negara ini sebagai negara tidak menyusun semula struktur ketenteraan kerana ia adalah sebahagian daripada blok Soviet.

POLAND to Move THOUSANDS Of troops to BORDER  
with UKRAINE . . .

Warsaw has decided to relocate troops from the west of the country towards its eastern border due to “the biggest security crisis since the Cold War.” It is a major realignment of the military structure, Poland’s defense minister told the AP.

"The geopolitical situation has changed, we have the biggest crisis of security since the Cold War and we must draw conclusions from that," Poland’s Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak told The Associated Press on Monday.

He explained that the number of troops stationed at three military bases in the east will triple in two years. Siemoniak added that the quantity of military hardware stationed at the bases will also be increased.

The Polish minister explained that it was not a radical measure but for protection due to the threat posed by the neighboring Ukrainian conflict.

“. . . we would like those units in the east of Poland to be more efficient," he said.

Most of Poland’s army has been concentrated in the western part of the country as the country has not realigned its military structure since it was part of the Soviet bloc.

68 % PERATUS daripada Brits Mengatakan PERANG Afghanistan Adalah SIA-sia - POLLS . . .

Tentera British tiba di Kandahar pangkalan udara pada akhir operasi bagi Marin Amerika Syarikat dan pasukan tempur British di Helmand 27 Oktober 2014 (British soldiers arrive at Kandahar air base at the end of operations for U.S. Marines and British combat troops in Helmand October 27, 2014 (Reuters/Omar Sobhani)

niZAh Sebagai baki pasukan terakhir Britain berangkat dari Afghanistan, tin-jauan pendapat menunjukkan 68 % peratus rakyat Britain berfikir kempen keten-teraan di UK di rantau ini adalah tidak "bernilai."

42 % peratus lagi fikir Britain adalah "kurang selamat" sebagai akibat dari perang.

Kajian yang dijalankan oleh BBC, dilakukan di antara 24 Oktober dan 26 sebagai kehadiran tentera Britain di Afghanistan datang ke penghujungnya.

Operasi tempur United Kingdom tlh ditamatkan pd hari Ahad sebagai asas utama tentera United Kingdom, Kem Bastion, telah diserahkan kpd pejabat Afghanistan. Tentera Amerika dari Kem Leatherneck sebelumnya yg dikuasai juga tlh berangkat dari tanah Afghanistan, meninggalkan pasukan Afghani mengendalikan laman ini.

Jajak pendapat telefon mendedahkan hanya 14 % peratus dpd mereka yg ditinjau merasakan Britain adalah lebih selamat sebagai akibat dari campur tangan tentera Inggeris di Afghanistan, yang pertama kali dimulai pad tahun 2001. Campur tangan itu kononnya bertujuan utk menawarkan bantuan kpd Amerika Syarikat di tengah serangan-9/11.

68 percent of Brits say Afghan war was futile - poll

As Britain’s last remaining troops depart from Afghanistan, a poll indicates 68 percent of Britons think the UK’s military campaign in the region was not “worthwhile.” A further 42 percent thought Britain was “less safe” as a result of the war.

The survey, commissioned by the BBC, was carried out between October 24 and 26 as Britain’s military presence in Afghanistan came to a close.

UK combat operations were terminated on Sunday as the main UK military base, Camp Bastion, was handed over to Afghan officials. American troops from the previously US-controlled Camp Leatherneck have also departed from Afghan soil, leaving Afghani forces in control of the site.

The telephone poll revealed a mere 14 percent of those surveyed felt Britain was safer as a result of UK military intervention in Afghanistan, which first began in 2001. The intervention was supposedly aimed at offering assistance to the US in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.

(AFP Photo/Crown Copyright/MOD 2014/Corporal Andrew Morris)

Kira-kira 39 % peratus adalah neutral mengenai kesan potensi campur tangan Inggeris di rantau ini, menunjukkan akan terdapat "tiada perbezaan sebenar," manakala 5 % peratus menolak untuk menawarkan jawapan.

Sementara itu, 24 % peratus mendakwa campur tangan tentera United Kingdom Afghanistan yang diberikan "lebih baik," dgn 25 % peratus amaran itu telah diting-galkan "lebih buruk". 44 % peratus yang berkata penyebaran pasukan Inggeris membuat perbezaan sedikit.

Mengenai persoalan bagaimana Afghanistan akan tarif jika tiada anggota tentera UK, 31 % peratus berkata mereka yakin negara itu boleh "melindungi warganya tanpa bantuan kuasa2 Inggeris." Tetapi yg melampau 64 % peratus mengatakan mereka tidak yakin kerajaan Afghanistan boleh berdiri sendiri.

Mewakili momen simbolik untuk United Kingdom, penamatan perang Britain di Afghanistan menandakan berakhirnya konflik bangsa yg paling berlarutan dlm sejarah moden. Kempen ketenteraan dianggarkan menelan belanja pembayar cukai British hampir £40 billion - £2,000 per isi rumah United Kingdom.

Pada masa ini, kira2 77 pegawai polis Afghanistan dan tentera yg terbunuh setiap minggu oleh pemberontak Taliban. Pemberontakan itu telah berlaku walaupun lebih dari satu dekad di Amerika Syarikat dan UK penglibatan tentera di rantau ini. Sekitar 450 tentera British kehilangan nyawa mereka dalam perjalanan perang.

Some 39 percent were neutral on the potential effects of UK intervention on the region, suggesting there would be “no real difference,” while 5 percent refused to offer a response.

Meanwhile, 24 percent claimed the UK military intervention rendered Afghanistan “better off,” with 25 percent warning it had been left “worse off.” 44 percent said the deployment of UK troops made little difference.

On the question of how Afghanistan would fare in the absence of UK military personnel, 31 percent said they were confident the state could “protect its citizens without the help of UK forces.” But an overwhelming 64 percent said they were not confident the Afghan government could stand alone.

Representing a symbolic moment for the UK, the termination of Britain’s war in Afghanistan signals the end of the nation’s most protracted conflict in modern history. The military campaign is estimated to have cost British tax payers almost £40 billion – £2,000 per UK household.

At present, approximately 77 Afghan police officials and soldiers are killed per week by Taliban insurgents. The insurgency has prevailed despite more than a decade of US and UK military involvement in the region. Some 450 British troops lost their lives in the course of the war.

(AFP Photo/Crown Copyright/MOD 2014/Corporal Andrew Morris)

Pengeluaran candu juga terus menuai keuntungan rekod. Sementara itu, lebih 33 % peratus daripada sekolah2 di wilayah Helmand yg tetap tertutup di tengah-tengah kebimbangan yang semakin meningkat untuk keselamatan pelajar.

berlaku ketidakstabilan

Menteri pertahanan United Kingdom Michael Fallon memberi amaran tiada jami-nan sebenar wilayah Helmand yg bermasalah pernah akan stabil. Beliau mendak-wa, bagaimanapun, campur tangan tentera di United Kingdom telah digagalkan Al-Qaeda dpd membentuk dasar yang ada yg merancang serangan pengganas.

"Kami telah memberikan Afghanistan peluang yang terbaik untuk masa depan yang lebih selamat, terutamanya melalui pengorbanan pasukan kita sendiri dan pasukan NATO yang lain dalam membina tentera Afghanistan," katanya.

Walaupun lebih 4,000 pegawai keselamatan Afghanistan tewas pada tahun 2014, hanya 5 orang pegawai British kehilangan nyawa mereka di Afghanistan selama tempoh ini.

Seorang pegawai tentera senior Afghanistan di utara Helmand memberitahu kepada ‘Times’ rantau ini masih sangat tidak stabil.

"Saya tidak faham apabila mereka berkata misi mereka selesai," katanya. "Keadaan ini adalah sama seperti sebelumnya. Musuh masih kuat."

Opium production also continues to reap record profits. Meanwhile, over 33 percent of schools in the Helmand province remain closed amid heightened fears for students’ security.

Prevailing instability

UK defense secretary Michael Fallon warned there was no real guarantee the troubled Helmand province would ever be stable. He claimed, however, the UK’s military intervention had thwarted Al-Qaeda from forming a base there from which to plan terrorist attacks.

“We have given Afghanistan the best possible chance of a safer future, primarily through the sacrifice of our own troops and other NATO troops in building up the Afghan army,” he said.

While over 4,000 Afghan security officials were killed in 2014, a mere five British officers lost their lives in Afghanistan over this period.

A senior Afghan army officer in northern Helmand told The Times the region is still highly unstable.

“I don’t understand when they say their mission is finished,” he said. “The situation is the same as before. The enemy is still strong.”

'PENJAHAT terhadap Salafi' Keganasan meletus pada PERHIMPUNAN Besar Sayap Kanan di COLOGNE . . .

niZAh 13 pegawai dan seorang penunjuk perasaan cedera kerana polis menggu-nakan meriam air dan semburan lada terhadap penunjuk perasaan sayap kanan yang berkumpul di bandar barat Cologne dari seluruh Jerman untuk menyatukan Islam terhadap ekstremisme.

Kira-kira 2,000 sayap kanan dan neo-Nazi penunjuk perasaan berkumpul di pusat Cologne utk memprotes ekstremisme Islam pd hari Ahad, menurut media Jerman. Beberapa laporan media cadangkan bahwa sekurang-kurangnya 4,000 penunjuk perasaan berkumpul untuk perhimpunan tersebut.

‘HOOLIGANS Against SALAFISTS’: Violence Erupts at HUGE far-right RALLY in COLOGNE . . .

Thirteen officers and one protester were injured as police used water cannons and pepper spray against far-right demonstrators who gathered in the western city of Cologne from across Germany to rally against Islamist extremism.

About 2,000 far-right and neo-Nazi protesters gathered in the center of Cologne to protest against Islamic extremism on Sunday, according to the German media. Some media reports suggested that at least 4,000 demonstrators gathered for the rally.

Demonstrasi itu dianjurkan oleh " PENJAHAT terhadap Salafi" Kumpulan juga dike-nali sebagai Ho.Ge.Sa. Salafisme adalah gerakan radikal Islam yang telah berkem-bang di Jerman, di mana ia diwakili oleh kira-kira 4,000 pengikut.

The demonstration was organized by the “Hooligans against Salafists" group also known as Ho.Ge.Sa. Salafism is a radical movement of Islam which has been growing in Germany, where it is represented by around 4,000 adherents.

Penunjuk perasaan anti-imigresen termasuk anggota Ho.Ge.Sa turun ke jalan dilaporkan melaungkan "asing tersebut."

Pertempuran hebat tercetus di antara kumpulan-kumpulan anti-imigresen apabila mereka bertemu dengan beribu-ribu penunjuk perasaan anti-fasis.

Anti-immigration demonstrators including Ho.Ge.Sa members took to the streets reportedly chanting “foreigners out.”

Violent clashes broke out between the anti-immigration groups when they were met by thousands of anti-fascist demonstrators.

Sementara itu di Cologne Jerman (Meanwhile in Cologne Germany #HoGeSa)

Protes bertukar menjadi ganas sebagai penunjuk perasaan melemparkan botol dan alat pembakar, kata laporan.

Polis rusuhan telah dikerahkan di tempat kejadian dengan beberapa laporan yang menunjukkan bahawa sekurang-kurangnya satu ribu pegawai polis yang hadir.

The protests turned violent as the demonstrators threw bottles and incendiary devices, reports said.

Riot police were deployed at the scene with some reports suggesting that at least one thousand police officers were present.

Penguatkuasaan undang2 bertindak balas dengan semburan pemedih mata, cota dan meriam air. Rakaman dari tempat kejadian menunjukkan sebuah kenderaan polis yang terbalik dalam kerusuhan.

13 pegawai dan seorang penunjuk perasaan cedera, kata jurucakap polis Andre Fassbender. Tambahnya, 6 orang telah ditahan.

Law enforcement responded with pepper spray, batons and water cannons. Footage from the scene showed a police vehicle which was overturned in the unrest.

Thirteen officers and one protester were injured, said police spokesman Andre Fassbender. He added that six people were detained.

(Protesters gesture towards police using a water cannon against them during a demonstration organized by German far-right groups in Cologne October 26, 2014 (Reuters/Wolfgang Rattay)

Protes itu dianjurkan dengan bantuan dari Facebook, di mana moderator Ho.Ge.Sa. yang mencatatkan panggilan untuk "damai, membuka tabir" demonstrasi "tanpa rusuhan."

"Pada 2014/10/26 di Cologne, kami secara signifikan akan meningkatkan jumlah peserta ini," katanya.

The Ho.Ge.Sa. bermula di Facebook di mana peminat bola sepak anti-Islam dan aktivis neo-Nazi mendapati persefahaman.

The protest was organized with the help of Facebook, where the moderator of the Ho.Ge.Sa. posted a call for a “peaceful, unmasked” demonstration “without rioting.”

"On 26.10.2014 in Cologne, we will significantly increase this number of participants," he wrote.

The Ho.Ge.Sa. began on Facebook where anti-Islam soccer fans and neo-Nazi activists found mutual understanding.

Rusuhan Jerman pegawai polis menggunakan obor utk mencari barang2 peribadi mereka dalam sebuah van polis terbalik berikut demonstrasi oleh kumpulan sayap kanan Jerman di Cologne Oktober 26, 2014 (German riot police officers use torches to look for their personal belongings in an overturned police van following a demonstration by German far-right groups in Cologne October 26, 2014 (Reuters/Wolfgang Rattay)

25 Bank EU Gagal 'UJIAN tekanan', mendedahkan $ 31bn KEKURANGAN

Reuters/Ralph Orlowski

niZAh Hampir 1 dalam 5 bank-bank Eropah yang terkemuka telah gagal dalam ujian ketahanan yg dijalankan oleh Bank Pusat Eropah, yg mendedahkan jurang modal $31.2 billion (€24.6 billion) dalam 25 bank yg menunjukkan mereka tidak bersedia untuk menghadapi kemelesetan 3 tahun.

Hasil dari ujian tekanan EU seluruh dilaporkan pada hari Ahad oleh Pihak Berkuasa Eropah Perbankan (EAB) dan Bank Pusat Eropah (ECB).

Dengan 9 bank gagal ujian, Itali mewakili lebih dari € 10 bilion kekurangan modal. Kunci kira-kira yang lain yang tidak sampai dengan tembakau adalah 3 bank di Greece,

3 di Cyprus,

2 di Slovenia,

2 di Belgium,

Dan masing-masing 1 di Austria, Jerman, Perancis, Sepanyol, Portugal dan Ireland.

Daripada jumlah 25 bank-bank yang gagal dalam ujian ini, 12 telah sejak datang dengan modal tambahan yang diperlukan untuk lulus. Yang lain 13 mempunyai 2 minggu untuk mengemukakan satu pelan tindakan tentang bagaimana mereka merancang untuk meningkatkan modal mereka, yg akan disampaikan kepada ECB untuk kelulusan pada awal November. Bank-bank yg diluluskan akan mempunyai 9 bulan untuk memperbaiki lubang modal mereka.

Tujuan utama ujian tekanan ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti bank2 perlu untuk meningkatkan modal ekuiti teras daripada 123 peminjam atas. Risiko-risiko utama Berat penilaian yg pemberi pinjaman, termasuk risiko kecairan, hutang & pembia-yaan, serta kualiti aset & kemampuan kira2 kunci bank untuk menolak senario tekanan.

25 EU Banks FAIL ‘Stress test’, Exposing $31bn Shortfall

Nearly one in five leading European banks have failed the stress test conducted by the European Central Bank, which revealed a $31.2 billion (€24.6 billion) capital gap in 25 banks showing they’re not ready to withstand a three-year recession.

The results of the EU-wide stress test were reported on Sunday by the European Banking Authority (EAB) and the European Central Bank (ECB).

With nine banks failing the test, Italy represented more than €10 billion of the capital shortfall. Other balance sheets that weren’t up to snuff were three banks in Greece, three in Cyprus, two in Slovenia, two in Belgium, and one each in Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and Ireland.

Of the total 25 banks that failed the test, 12 have since come up with the necessary additional capital to pass. The other 13 have two weeks to submit a blueprint of how they plan to boost their capital, to be presented to the ECB for approval in early November. Approved banks will then have nine months to fix their capital holes.

The main goal of the stress test was to identify which banks need to boost core equity capital out of the 123 top lenders. The assessment weight a lender’s key risks, including liquidity, leverage and funding, as well as asset quality and the ability of banks’ balance sheet to resist stress scenarios.

Monte dei Paschi ibu pejabat bank digambarkan di Siena 16 Ogos 2013 (The Monte dei Paschi bank headquarters is pictured in Siena August 16, 2013 (Reuters/Stefano Rellandini)

"Penilaian Komprehensif dibenarkan kita utk membandingkan bank di sempadan & model perniagaan," kata ECB Ketua Dewan Pengawas Daniele NaMiE dalam satu kenyataan. "Hasil kajian akan membolehkan kita untuk menarik pandangan dan kesimpulan untuk penyeliaan pada masa akan datang."

10 bank tlh mengambil langkah2 utk memoles kewangan mereka dpd kedudukan kewangan mereka pada akhir tahun 2013. Yg paling teruk terjejas merupakan bank Itali Monte dei Paschi, yang memiliki kekurangan modal sebanyak € 2.1billion.

"Kajian yg belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya mendalam tentang kedudukan bank-bank terbesar 'akan meningkatkan keyakinan orang ramai dlm sektor perbankan," kata ECB Naib Presiden Vitor Constancio, sambil menambah bahawa "ini harus memudahkan lebih banyak pinjaman di Eropah, yg akan membantu pertumbuhan ekonomi."

Kajian kualiti aset telah dijalankan adalah Bank Pusat Eropah bersedia utk menjadi penyelia rasmi atas 130 pemberi pinjaman Eropah dalam kesatuan perbankan, akan bermula pada tahun pada 4 November.

8 bank gagal sama pemeriksaan ujian tekanan pada tahun 2011 dengan defisit gabungan sebanyak €2.5 billion ($3.2 billion).

“The Comprehensive Assessment allowed us to compare banks across borders and business models,” ECB Supervisory Board Chair Daniele Nouy said in a statement. “The findings will enable us to draw insights and conclusions for supervision going forward."

Ten banks have taken measures to brush up their finances from their balance sheets at the end of 2013. The worst affected was the Italian bank Monte dei Paschi, which had a capital shortfall of €2.1billion.

“This unprecedented in-depth review of the largest banks’ positions will boost public confidence in the banking sector,” said ECB Vice-President Vitor Constancio, adding that “this should facilitate more lending in Europe, which will help economic growth.”

The asset quality review was conducted is the European Central Bank prepares to become the official supervisor of Europe’s top 130 lenders in a banking union, due to begin in on November 4.

Eight banks failed a similar stress test examination in 2011 with a combined deficit of €2.5 billion ($3.2 billion).

SECAWAN Koko Sehari Membuat KEHILANGAN Ingatan PERGI - saintis

Reuters/Samsul Said

niZAh Minuman lazat dapat memberikan yang berusia 60 tahun memori khas sebagai seseorang yang 20 hingga 30 tahun lebih muda. Kajian Amerika Syarikat telah mendedahkan bahwa koko mengandungi bahan2 bioaktif yg membalikkan yang berkaitan dengan usia kemerosotan ingatan.

Para ilmuwan di Columbia Pusat Perubatan Universiti (CUMC) published hasil uji kaji diet, berdasarkan kesan flavanol, diekstrak dpd biji koko, pada otak manusia penuaan dalam jurnal Nature Neuroscience pada hari Ahad.

Sekumpulan 37 sukarelawan yang sihat berumur 50-69 secara rawak dibahagikan kepada 2. Setiap hari selama 3 bulan, mereka telah minum koko khusus disiapkan, yang tidak boleh didapati secara komersial. Satu kumpulan dimakan minuman dengan 900mg flavanol, dan yang lain dengan hanya 10 mg sebatian ini.

"Jika peserta mempunyai memori khas 60 tahun pada permulaan kajian ini, selepas 3 bulan bahawa orang rata2 memiliki ingatan khas 30 atau 40 tahun," kata penulis kanan Scott Kecil dalam press-release.

Cup Of Cocoa a Day Keeps Memory loss Away - scientists

A tasty drink may give a typical 60-year-old the memory as of a person 20 to 30 years younger. A US study has revealed that cocoa contains bioactive ingredients that reverse age-related memory decline.

Scientists at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) published the results of a dietary experiment, based on the effects of flavanols, extracted from cocoa beans, on the aging human brain in the journal Nature Neuroscience on Sunday.

A group of 37 healthy volunteers aged from 50 to 69 was randomly divided in two. Each day for three months, they had a specially-prepared cocoa drink, which is not available commercially. One group consumed the drink with 900mg of flavanols, and the other with only 10mg of these compounds.

"If a participant had the memory of a typical 60-year-old at the beginning of the study, after three months that person on average had the memory of a typical 30- or 40-year-old," said senior author Scott Small in a press-release.

Kawasan otak yang digariskan dalam kuning adalah hippocampus; gyrus yang dentate ditun-jukkan dalam korteks hijau dan entorhinal di ungu (The brain area outlined in yellow is the hippocampus; the dentate gyrus is shown in green and the entorhinal cortex in purple (Image from the press-release)

Matlamat utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dentate gyrus otak - seba-hagian dpd pembentukan hippocampal yg bertanggungjawab utk pembentukan memori dan usia sensitif. Jadi para ilmuwan harus menjalankan pengimejan otak untuk mengukur isipadu darah dan membuktikan sama ada ia merupakan sumber kealpaan khas luas di kalangan orang tua.

"Saya menganggap bahawa kajian kami tidak menunjukkan, buat kali pertama, bahawa flavanols meningkatkan fungsi dentate gyrus manusia, khususnya dalam penuaan manusia," Kecil kepada AFP.

Untuk menunjukkan perbezaan sebelum & selepas eksperimen, para peserta harus lulus ujian memori yang istimewa - 20 minit latihan pengenalan pola, khususnya menangani gyrus yg bergigi. Pengiktirafan yg lebih cepat dan lebih jelas di antara golongan kaya flavanol disokong oleh ujian isipadu darah yang lebih baik mereka.

"Apabila kita pengimejan otak subjek kajian kami, kami mendapati peningkatan ketara dalam fungsi gyrus yang dentate dalam orang-orang yang mengamalkan minuman tinggi koko flavanol," kata penulis Adam M. Brickman, PhD, dari Institut Taub dalam siaran akhbar.

The core goal of the experiment was to study the brain’s dentate gyrus – a part of the hippocampal formation which is responsible for memory formation, and is age-sensitive. So the scientists had to carry out brain imaging to measure its blood volume and prove whether it is a source of typical forgetfulness widespread among the elderly.

"I suppose that our study does show, for the first time, that flavanols improves the function of humans' dentate gyrus, particularly in ageing humans," Small told AFP.

To demonstrate the difference before and after the experiment, the participants had to pass special memory tests – a 20-minute pattern-recognition exercise, specifically addressing the dentate gyrus. Faster and clearer recognition among the high-flavanol group was backed by their better blood volume tests.

"When we imaged our research subjects' brains, we found noticeable improvements in the function of the dentate gyrus in those who consumed the high-cocoa-flavanol drink," said lead author Adam M. Brickman, PhD, of the Taub Institute in a press release.

Kebanyakan kaedah pemprosesan koko menghapus banyak flavanol yang terdapat dalam tum-buhan mentah (Most methods of processing cocoa remove many of the flavanols found in the raw plant (Image from the press-release)

Walau bagaimanapun, keputusan harus disahkan dalam satu kajian dari kumpulan yang lebih besar, dan mereka tidak memohon kepada penyakit yg berkaitan dengan hilang ingatan, seperti Alzheimer disebabkan. Ahli2 sains juga memberi amaran bahawa ia tdk bermakna yg memerlukan peningkatan dlm penggunaan coklat - & sebahagian besar koko mengandungi antioksidan yg hilang semasa pemprosesan.

"Sangat sederhana, jumlah flavanol yang terdapat dalam coklat adalah sangat kecil berbanding dengan jumlah yang sangat tinggi flavanol diekstrak bahawa subjek kami digunakan. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk kebanyakan makanan atau teh yang lain," Kecil menulis.

Kajian ini disokong oleh sebuah syarikat makanan besar Amerika Syarikat, yang telah mengambil tanggungjawab untuk mengeluarkan dan menyediakan minuman itu dalam apa-apa cara supaya ia tidak hilang dari kilang mentah.

Selain daripada koko dan coklat, flavanol banyak terdapat di beberapa teh, sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan - seperti anggur, epal atau beri biru, tetapi jenis mereka berbeza-beza secara meluas. Mereka juga dipercayai utk meningkatkan kesihatan kardiovaskular - untuk mencegah serangan jantung dan strok.

Neuropsikolog kognitif Dr Ashok Jansari memberitahu Bebas: "Memandangkan pen-duduk DUNIA semakin tua, dgn mengasingkan kawasan tertentu otak yang semakin lemah dalam berfungsi seperti yang kita semakin tua, dan menunjukkan bahawa campur tangan bukan farmakologi dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran maklumat baru, penulis tlh membuat sumbangan yg besar utk membantu kami memperbaiki kesihatan kognitif kita."

However, the results should be verified in a study of a bigger group, and they don’t apply to the disease-associated memory loss, such as Alzheimer caused. Scientists also warn that it doesn’t mean the need of increase in chocolate consumption – and most of the antioxidants cocoa contains are lost during the processing.

"Very simply, the amount of flavanols that are found in chocolate is minuscule compared to the very high amount of extracted flavanols that our subjects consumed. The same is true for most other foods or teas," Small wrote.

The research was supported by a large US food corporation, which took the responsibility for extracting and preparing the drink in such a way so that it is not lost from the raw plant.

Apart from cocoa and chocolate, flavanols are abundant in some teas, vegetables and fruit – such as grapes, apples or blueberries, but their types vary widely. They are also believed to improve cardiovascular health – to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Cognitive neuropsychologist Dr. Ashok Jansari told the Independent: “Given a globally ageing population, by isolating a particular area of the brain that is weakening in functioning as we grow older, and demonstrating that a non-pharmacological intervention can improve learning of new information, the authors have made a significant contribution to helping us improve our cognitive health.”

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