N.nizah – Polis penebuk garisan: Polis kejam menangkap penunjuk perasaan pelajar anti-Petraeus. Ahli akademik di Universiti Bandar New York telah dipanggil untuk semua caj yang akan digugurkan daripada 6 orang pelajar ditangkap pada Selasa.
Mereka membantah selepas bekas ketua CIA David Petraeus telah diberikan kedudukan pengajaran di sekolah. Rakaman video yang telah muncul yang menunjukkan polis menggunakan taktik yang berat tangan sambil menahan para penunjuk perasaan.
Police punch line: Cops brutally arrest anti-Petraeus student protesters. Academics at the City University of New York have called for all charges to be dropped against 6 students arrested on Tuesday.
They were protesting after former CIA chief David Petraeus was given a teaching position at the school. Video footage has emerged showing police using heavy-handed tactics while detaining the protestors.
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Video yang baru mendedahkan kekejaman NYPD pada pelajar sebagai protes terhadap profesor Petraeus' . . .
Rakaman video telah muncul menunjukkan New York polis menggunakan taktik yang berat tangan sambil menahan pelajar membantah terhadap bekas ketua CIA David Petraeus menjadi seorang profesor universiti. RT bercakap kepada salah seorang peserta perhimpunan ditahan.
Video menunjukkan satu demonstrasi yang ditindas terhadap kaki lima oleh beberapa anggota polis, dengan salah satu daripada menangkap menumbuk kawasan buah pinggang mendedahkan manusia.
Rakaman ini menyokong tuntutan aktivis dari City University of New York (CUNY) bahawa polis kejam dalam menyuraikan perhimpunan pada hari Selasa, apabila 75 orang telah mengambil bahagian dalam demonstrasi membantah bekas ketua CIA, David Petraeus, yang diberi kedudukan pengajaran di sekolah.
6 daripada penunjuk perasaan telah ditahan pada hari itu dan telah didakwa dengan halangan pentadbiran kerajaan, rusuhan, menentang penangkapan dan kelakuan tidak senonoh. Salah seorang daripada mereka ialah Denise Ford 24 tahun, yang menghabiskan 28 jam dalam tahanan polis selepas perhimpunan tersebut.
“Mereka menolak kita ke jalan dan mereka hanya bermula dari sana di mana mereka meraih salah satu daripada rakan-rakan saya, menyelar kepalanya ke kereta dan hanya semua di atas beliau” Ford memberitahu RT ini Marina Portnaya. “Kemudian saya pergi cuba membantu dia keluar dan dalam proses itu saya akhirnya jatuh di antara 2 kereta hamper di belakang kepala saya. Kemudian Saya terus bangun. Dan apabila saya melihat ke belakang saya ada polis di atas kawan saya yang lain. Saya menyaksikan mereka menghiret bajunya dan seorang pegawai polis mengambil 2 hingga 5 pukulan ke buah pinggang beliau. Dan kemudian polis hanya datang dan meraih saya, menarik saya kembali dan menggari saya”.
New video exposes NYPD brutalizing students in protest against Petraeus’ professorship. Video footage has emerged showing New York police using heavy-handed tactics while detaining students protesting against former CIA chief David Petraeus becoming a university professor. RT spoke to one of the arrested rally participants.
The video shows a demonstrator being pressed against the pavement by several policemen, with one of the captors punching the man’s exposed kidney area.
The footage supports the claim of the activists from the City University of New York (CUNY) that police were brutal in dispersing a rally on Tuesday, when 75 people took part in a demonstration protesting former CIA chief, David Petraeus, being given a teaching position at the school.
Six of the protesters were arrested that day and have been charged with obstruction of governmental administration, riot, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. One of them is 24-year-old Denise Ford, who spent 28 hours in police custody following the rally.
“They pushed us on to the street and they just started from there where they grabbed one of my comrades, slammed his head against the car and were just all on top of him”, Ford told RT’s Marina Portnaya. “Then I went to try help him out and in the process I ended up falling in between two cars on the back of my head. Then I proceeded to get up. And when I looked to the back of me there were cops on top of my other comrade. I witnessed they picked up his shirt and a police officer took two to five blows to his kidneys. And then a cop just came and grabbed me, pulled me back and cuffed me”.
Bekas ketua CIA David Petraeus (Former CIA chief David Petraeus (AFP Photo/Karen Bleier - think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)
Jawatankuasa Ad Hoc Terhadap ketenteraan CUNY, penganjur perhimpunan tersebut, mengeluarkan kenyataan akhbar yang menyifatkan apa yang berlaku pada hari Selasa sebagai “kejam, serangan provokasi polis semasa protes aman” dan dinamakan akaun saksi sebagai bukti itu.
“Sebagai pelajar melaungkan ‘Perang Jenayah Petraeus Daripada CUNY Sekarang,” saya terkejut apabila melihat beberapa pegawai polis merebut dan menganiaya salah satu daripada penunjuk perasaan, “kata City College pelajar Yexenia Vanegas, menurut siaran media. “Ini benar-benar tdk bererti, sebagai penunjuk perasaan jelas bahawa mereka berada di sana untuk mempertahankan universiti dalam protes yang aman.”
Penglibatan Petreaus ‘dengan universiti telah bertemu dengan kritikan yang luas daripada pelajar, fakulti dan staf yang mengatakan mereka tidak mahu kolej mereka untuk menjadi tuan rumah orang yang menyelia peperangan, serangan drone (berdengung) dan taktik penyeksaan yang didakwa di Timur Tengah. Ahli akademik dan pelajar siswazah di CUNY telah mengeluarkan kenyataan menyeru semua caj yang akan digugurkan terhadap 6 pelajar ditangkap oleh NYPD .
“Kami dengan tegas menyokong usaha pelajar-pelajar CUNY yang menentang cubaan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat dan pentadbiran CUNY untuk menjadikan universiti menjadi terkenal “kolej perang” dengan pelantikan Petraeus. Beliau bertanggungjawab untuk kematian dan kemusnahan banyak sekali di Iraq dan Afghanistan sebagai panglima perang dan ketua CIA,” surat itu berbunyi .
Rancangan Petreaus ‘untuk memulakan kerjaya baru sebagai profesor pelawat untuk CUNY telah bertemu dengan kritikan musim panas ini. Pada bulan Julai berita muncul beliau akan menerima gaji 6 angka untuk kerja. Berikutan kemarahan meluas peguam bekas ketua CIA mengumumkan bahawa umum akan mengisi jawatan itu hanya $ 1.
“Sama ada yang dibayar $ 200,000 atau $ 1, pembunuh besar-besaran ini tidak harus dibenarkan untuk mengajar di CUNY,” risalah memanggil protes September berbunyi.
Demonstrasi itu berlaku semasa acara kutipan derma, di luar Macauley Kolej Kepujian CUNY di mana Petraeus telah dilantik untuk mengajar kelas mengenai dasar awam.
The Ad Hoc Committee Against the Militarization of CUNY, the organizer of the rally, issued a press release which described what happened on Tuesday as a “brutal, unprovoked police attack during a peaceful protest” and cited eyewitnesses accounts as proof of that.
"As students were chanting 'War Criminal Petraeus Out of CUNY Now,' I was shocked to see several police officers grab and brutalize one of the demonstrators," said City College student Yexenia Vanegas, according to the press-release. "This was completely unprovoked, as demonstrators made clear that they were there to defend our university in a peaceful protest."
Petreaus’ involvement with the university has been met with broad criticism from students, faculty and staff members who say they don’t want their college to host the man who oversaw wars, drone strikes and alleged torture tactics in the Middle East. Academics and graduate students at CUNY have released a statement calling for all charges to be dropped against the six students arrested by the NYPD.
“We emphatically support the efforts of these CUNY students to resist the attempts by the U.S. government and the CUNY administration to turn the university into an infamous “war college" with the appointment of Petraeus. He is responsible for countless deaths and innumerable destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan as a war commander and chief of the CIA,” the letter reads.
Petreaus’ plans to begin a new career as a visiting professor for CUNY have been met with criticism this summer. In July news emerged he would receive a six figure salary for the job. Following widespread indignation the ex CIA chief’s lawyer announced that the general would fill the post for just $1.
“Whether being paid $200,000 or $1, this mass murderer must not be allowed to teach at CUNY,” a leaflet calling for September protests reads.
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